Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Preventive Maintenance Keeps Equipment Running Longer

Heavy machinery used in manufacturing requires continual maintenance in order to keep it running at peak efficiency.  Poorly maintained machinery will run poorly and breakdowns cost money not only for repairs but also in downtime.  When machinery is not maintained, safety is compromised. 

Professional Tips for Maintaining Machinery and Electrical in Manufacturing

  • Keep Up to Date with Operator Training
Most large scaled machinery will have multiple operators.  Manufacturing facilities running three shifts will have operators on each shift as well as others to fill in when necessary.  When using any tracking software for machine maintenance it is important that operator training for equipment is part of the checklist. Correct machine operation is critical in maintain machinery. 

Operators should be trained in visual inspection as well.  When a piece of equipment is first introduced into a manufacturing facility it should be thoroughly inspected by the operators who will be using the machine. This is also a good time to provide critical operator training and to put in place a training schedule.  When machinery is updated all operators need to be included in additional training. Not only is there employee turnover to account for, but overtime operators will become relaxed which will lead to breakdowns in proper techniques. On going training helps to eliminate this. 

Equipment manuals should be kept up to date and revised as needed.  These manuals should be kept within the vicinity of the equipment so that operators have access to them when needed.  A shorter manual can be used for ease of reference on common everyday operations. 
  • Apply Lubricants Liberally and Frequently
Manufacturing components move all the time.  Lubricants can reduce the friction that is caused from all of these moving parts.  A regular maintenance schedule involving lubrication not only extends the machines lifespan and the longevity of the electrical components and parts working within the machine.

Lubrication is one of the most importance aspects in machine maintenance and should be checked on a regular basis.  It is critical that signs of excess oil and grease build-up are tracked as well as cracks in oil seals and leaks.

Using the correct lubricant for the machine and the components within is important.  Be sure to use the oil and grease that is recommended by manufacturers when lubing up electrical components. Checking lubricants helps in the diagnosis of problems in large machinery.  Experts can analyze the particles in used oil.  The makeup of the contaminants can indicate the part of the machine that is suffering from excess wear and breakdown.
  • Examine Machinery for Signs of Wear
Machinery in manufacturing facilities often operates at high temperatures, with vibration, shock, and friction that contribute to the overall breakdown and wear of heavy machinery and electrical components and parts within.
  • Machine vibrations come from belts and gears that are not in alignment.
  • Shock comes from accidents and poor operation techniques.
  • Increased temperatures come from extensive use, friction, improper lubrication, and worn our parts.
  • The age of key machine components can cause deterioration. Belts can warp, seals can crack and dry out, bolts loosen and stretch.  The age of large scaled machinery needs to be tracked and monitored to avoid a compromise to the safety of your machine.   
When you notice that moving parts in your heavy machinery is beginning to wear and tear it is important to perform necessary maintenance as soon as possible.  The replacement of worn parts is essential to the health of your equipment.
  • Keep the Facility Clean and Maintain Clean Equipment
Heavy machinery and the facility that contains it should be kept free of contaminants and as clean as possible.  Seals and filters should be examined to ensure they are in good order.  It is crucial that manufacturing equipment and the components within are kept tidy.
  • Maintain a Record of Maintenance and Repairs
Record keeping of repairs and maintenance on equipment is beneficial for so many reasons.  Over time patterns will emerge and you will be able to anticipate when components will fail.  Detailed records of preventive maintenance such as checking fluids, electrical systems, and components within.  Moving parts are especially important in maintenance. 
  • Moving components create friction.  These items need to be inspected for wear and replaced on a regular basis. 
  • Gears need to be lubricated often. 
Following these steps will extend the lifespan of manufacturing equipment and heavy machinery.  With the exuberant costs associated with large scaled equipment and machines, increasing your ROI with regular maintenance and replacement of electrical components you can extend the usable time of these pieces. 

J & P Electrical Company is a full-service electrical company that supplies contractors, end users, and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned, and obsolete electrical equipment. We purchase a wide range of electrical equipment such as bus plugs, bud ducts, panel switches, substations, and transformers.  More information can be found at

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