Tuesday, April 14, 2020

FERC Eases Regulations During COVID-19 Crisis

In this article, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has initiated several steps to ease the regulatory burdens within the energy industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the actions taken was moving most FERC employees to telework status, technical and settlement conferences will be moving to video conferencing. 

FERC has been communicating with North American Electric Reliability Corporation and the Independent System Operator (ISO) and Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) and does not expect the crisis to impact the reliability of the bulk electric system.

As the FERC’s actions have been primarily concerned with easing regulatory burdens in the energy industry, it provides little relief to the financial and commercial sectors which are expected to be significantly impacted. Read more here.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Fuse Development Company Updates in 2020

Taking a closer look at the electrical fuse market that is available today, we see new companies that continue to change the safety and quality standards within the industry. In this article, four new fuses are explained in more detail in how they operate and what makes their new characteristics unique.

The first fuse mentioned is the pulse resistant SMD ceramic fuse. This fuse has a very low release characteristic, designed as a failsafe device for demanding applications. 

Secondly, a company called Infineon Technologies AG from Germany announced the introduction of the OptiMOS IPOL’s IR3387M, IR3888M, and IR3889M devices to the company’s integrated point of load voltage regulators.

Next, Toshiba Electric recently entered the electronic fuse market with the new Toshiba TCKE8xx family that includes six devices. 

Lastly, in February, the Japanese company ROHM announced the availability of its BV2Hx045EFU-C family of high voltage, dual-channel switches. The global circuit protection market expects to have a value of $65.45 billion by 2026.